Volunteer at Our new homestead location
Join us for a hands-on volunteer event dedicated to revitalizing a space for sustainable food production! Help us start building systems at our new Homestead lot. We need your help to make it happen!
Date and Time: Saturday January 18th from 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: 441 Homestead Avenue, Hartford, CT 06118.
Soil free, flavor-full herb jar event
Join Levo International at the Barbour branch of the Hartford library for our herb jar social!
Tickets: Free Admission
Date and Time : Wednesday March 5th from 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: 261 Barbour Street, Hartford, CT, US
LEVO: To Uplift
Levo began with three assumptions.
Community development needs to be organized on the smallest level possible
Local leaders need to be given the authority to identify their problems and shape the solution.
Food Security is the first step
Levo is an international organization. We began in Haiti, and now are continuing to expand our operations in Haiti, the United States and to new communities around the globe.
Learn hydroponics
Want to learn how to grow hydroponically and help the community around you? Sign up to join Levo’s hydroponic training program this Fall.
International Programs
Levo works in Jamaica and Haiti, learn more about how we are supporting communities around the world and how you can incorporate hydroponics into your community.
All sales go to support our work to build food security and stronger communities around the globe. Levo sells affordable hydroponic gardens, subscriptions to local produce, and Levo swag!